Thursday, 27 June 2019

Lupine publishers-Pharmacology & Clinical Research

Understanding the TCM Role of Liver in the Treatment of Cough by Tong Zheng Hong

The TCM role of Liver understood with the meridian route and functions shows that the insulting sequence plays a key to understanding the relationship between Liver and Lung in the effective treatment of cough. Liver qi stagnation is the most important and common pattern in clinic that deserves attention, which can be interpreted with scientific evidence. However, there remains a long way to go for the integration of TCM with the conventional medicine.

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Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Lupine Publishers-Lupine publishers publication ethics

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Monday, 24 June 2019

Lupine Publishers-Pharmacology & Clinical Research

Complex and Severe Amiodarone-Induced Pleuro- Pulmonary Toxicity by Salem Bouomrani S

LOJ Pharmacology & Clinical Research in Lupine Publishers 

Introduction: Pulmonary complications related to amiodarone have become exceptional with the doses currently used; their frequency is estimated at 1.6-2%. Acute or subacute pneumonia is the most classic manifestation. Pleural involvement under amiodarone is exceptional and unusual. We report an original observation of triple toxicity to amiodarone with concomitant pulmonary parenchymal, pleural and hepatic involvement and which was spontaneously resolved.
Case Report: 71-years-old patient, hypertensive and diabetic type 2, without degenerative complications, treated with amiodarone for four years for atrial fibrillation, was hospitalized because of severe acute pneumopathy evolving for ten days. Biology revealed moderate cytolytic hepatitis (ASAT at 130 IU/l and ALAT at 243 IU/l) without cholestasis or liver failure. Chest X-ray and thoracic CT showed bilateral and diffuse interstitial infiltrates, severe bilateral pneumonitis of both upper lobes, diffuse patchy infiltrates and ground–glass opacity, and bilateral pleural effusion. Abdominal ultrasound and CT showed moderate homogeneous and hyperdense hepatomegaly without focal lesions. The infectious, immunological, and tumoral investigations were negative. The hypothesis of drug toxicity was retained, and the evolution was rapidly favorable after stopping amiodarone with disappearance of respiratory complaints, normalization of liver tests, and progressive radiological cleansing. Chest radiography and thoracic CT scan were substantially normal at six months.
Conclusion: Amiodarone-induced complex pulmonary toxicity with parenchymal and pleural involvement remains exceptional and not well known by clinicians. Regular clinical and radiological monitoring are recommended to detect and manage them in time, and improve the prognosis given the risk of irreversible fibrosis evaluated at 5-7% of cases.

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Saturday, 22 June 2019

Friday, 21 June 2019

Lupine Publishers Surgery Case Studies Journal: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Surgery

Lupine Publishers Surgery Case Studies Journal: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Surgery: Intellectual Corruption at the APA by James F. Welles in  Surgery & Case Studies: Open Access Journal in Lupinepublishers A book...

Lupine Publishers: Journal of Veterinary Science- Lupine Publishers

Lupine Publishers: Journal of Veterinary Science- Lupine Publishers: Occurance of Mycotoxins and Mycotoxicosis in Poultry by Nikola Puvača in CDVS in Lupine Publishers Mycotoxins are biologically ac...

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Lupine Publishers - Food and Nutrition : Nutrition and Diabetic journals - Lupine Publisher...: Forage Production Potential of Maize - Cowpea Intercropping in Maichew - Southern Tigray, Ethiopia by  Abraha Negash in Scholarly Journ...

Lupine Publishers - Dentistry and Oral Health Care: Lupine Publishers- Opinion Stage

Lupine Publishers - Dentistry and Oral Health Care: Lupine Publishers- Opinion Stage: Lupine Publishers- Opinion Stage Lupine Publishers  is a world’s leading Online Publishing repository, a genuine publisher with qua...

Lupine Publishers Forensic And Genetics Journal: Lupine Publishers Fashion Technology Textile Engin...

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Lupine Publishers Research and Reviews Journal: Healthcare Journals- Lupine Publishers

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Thursday, 20 June 2019

Lupine Publishers-Pharmacology & Clinical Research

Beyond The Local Anesthesia by
Jonny Burga Sánchez

LOJ Pharmacology & Clinical Research in Lupine Publishers

One of the most important events in dentistry history was the discovery of local anesthetics in 1859 by Albert Niemann (1834 – 1861). In fact, this event represents the beginning of a new era in dentistry. Despite the adverse and lethal effects of cocaine, the first local anesthetic used in dentistry, this finding permitted the develop of other local anesthetics with less adverse effects and better safety index such as procaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, bupivacaine, prilocaine and more recently ropivacaine and articaine. Local anesthetics constitute a group of elementary drugs in the professional arsenal of dentistry and are the most used drugs in this area. They act by preventing the conduction of the nociceptive electrical impulses in a reversible way, generating a loss of sensitivity to pain. Local anesthetics internally block Na+voltage gated channels on neuronal fibers, thus decreasing nerve conduction. Na+ voltage gated channels are complex structures formed by two β subunits (β1 and β2) and a large α subunit in whose central part is located the entry pore for this ion.

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Lupine Publishers Pedaitrics and Neonatology: Lupine Publishers -Journal of Pediatrics

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Lupine Publishers Surgery Case Studies Journal: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Surgery

Lupine Publishers Surgery Case Studies Journal: Lupine Publishers - Journal of Surgery: Intellectual Corruption at the APA by James F. Welles in  Surgery & Case Studies: Open Access Journal in Lupinepublishers A book...

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Monday, 17 June 2019

Lupine publishers-Pharmacology & Clinical Research

It Is Disturbing, In Spite of The Existence of Appropriate Legislation, Illegal Distribution of Medicines by Abdeen Mustafa Omer 

LOJ Pharmacology & Clinical Research in Lupine Publishers

The strategy of price liberalisation and Privatization had been implemented in Sudan over the last decade and has had a positive result on government deficit. The investment law approved recently has good statements and rules on the above strategy in particular to pharmacy regulations. Under the pressure of the new privatization policy, the government introduced radical changes in the pharmacy regulations. To improve the effectiveness of the public pharmacy, resources should be switched towards areas of need, reducing inequalities and promoting better health conditions. Medicines are financed either through cost sharing or full private. The role of the private services is significant. A review of reform of financing medicines in Sudan is given in this study. Also, it highlights the current drug supply system in the public sector, which is currently responsibility of the Central Medical Supplies Public Corporation (CMS). In Sudan, the researchers did not identify any rigorous evaluations or quantitative studies about the impact of drug regulations on the quality of medicines and how to protect public health against counterfeit or low-quality medicines, although it is practically possible. However, the regulations must be continually evaluated to ensure the public health is protected against by marketing high quality medicines rather than commercial interests, and the drug companies are held accountable for their conduct.

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Thursday, 13 June 2019

Lupine Publishers-pharmacology clinical research journal

Reversal of Rocuronium-Induced Neuromuscular Block with Neostigmine in the Libyan Patients  by Boyd L Summers

LOJ Pharmacology & Clinical Research in Lupine Publishers

Background: Reversal of the enduring effect of rocuronium by neostigmine is a common procedure performed in the Libyan hospitals. The reversal of the continuing effect of rocuronium by neostigmine was also evaluated.
Methods: eighty adult surgical patients were included in the study using neostigmine 2.5mg (0.05-0.07mg/kg) to reversal the block induced by rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg. Anaesthesia was induced and maintained using i.v. propofol (2.5mg/kg) and fentanyl (1.5μg/kg). Reversal neuromuscular function was monitored using clinical signs includes patient responsiveness, subjective measurements of muscle strength (5 second head lift, hand grasp), eye opening, and tongue extrusion.

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Monday, 10 June 2019